Where to Watch in 2025

Upcoming events to plan for, adjust game lineups around, and challenge authors to create with.


5 National Bird Day 🦅
12 Croatia presidential election 🇭🇷
17 Russia and Iran sign strategy pact
20 College Football Championship
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service
🇺🇸 Inauguration Day
Davos Summit
25 Egypt revolution anniversary
26 Belarus presidential election 🇧🇾
India’s Republic Day
27 Holocaust Remembrance Day
29 Lunar New Year


1 Every month Mentoring month 💫
First day of Black History Month
Girls and Women in Sports Day
9 Super Bowl LIX in New Orleans, LA
Ecuador general election 🇪🇨
Kosovo elections 🇽🇰
11 Day of Women in Science
17 Presidents’ Day
23 Germany elections 🇩🇪


1 First day of Music in Our Schools
and Women’s History Month
2 World Teen Mental Wellness Day
3 Read Across America Day
9 Daylight Saving Time starts
14 Pi Day 🍕
16 March Madness brackets 🏀
22 World Water Day


4 Women’s Final Four begins
15 World Art Day
19 250th Anniversary of the Battles
at Lexington and Concord
22 Earth Day 🌎
24 Take your kids to work Day


1 Mental Health Awareness month
6 YouthMADE Festival begins
Teacher Appreciation Day
11 Mother’s Day
17 Australia elections 🇦🇺


15 Father’s Day
19 Juneteenth
20 World Refugee Day
23 Women in Engineering Day
25 75th Anniversary of the start of
the Korean War
27 Helen Keller Day


14 Bastille Day 🇫🇷
20 National Ice Cream Day 🍦
27 Parents’ Day


5 National Night Out
9 Book Lovers Day
19 World Photography Day


7 Grandparents’ Day
17 Constitution Day


1 National Arts month begins
4 World Animal Day
5 World Teacher’s Day
13 Write Out begins
14 Digital Citizenship Week
20 Canadian federal election 🇨🇦


11 Veterans Day / Remembrance Day
14 Walk to School Day
21 World Philosophy Day
27 Thanksgiving


1 Read a New Book month begins
Nobel Prize day
Human Rights day
15 Bill of Rights Day

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