Own your learning.
Publish to your portfolio.
Take ownership of your learning profile, and become a blog author with an authentic audience. See it in action.
Purposefully share your work.
Play real-world games
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Pick countries, companies, congresspeople, and more. Learn to earn and write your own headlines with fantasy sports-like games for school subjects.
Safely share learning and get more from your school than a graded transcript and yearbooks. Produce your portfolio with pride and write your own story!

In order for student work to have purpose, it has to be shared.
- Who Owns the Learning? Preparing Students for Success in the Digital Age
Students join free
You don’t need permission to learn. Own your learning profile at Fanschool—your digital platform for student-driven, active, social learning. Share a video you directed, a podcast you produced, or publish your favorite artwork. Collect and embed projects from a variety of tools you’re already using to produce your mastery portfolio as you go. Profile > Transcript + Yearbook
Sign up for free! Create your own spaces and add games with parent verification.