Safety summary
We’re about trust, connection, and growth. Every Fanschool member is verified, so You own your learning.
Fanschool not only gives you full control over your data, but also is committed to providing a safe and secure place for members to own and share their learning.
In addition to the clear and transparent Privacy Policy linked above, we’ve also prioritized the following safety features for students, classrooms, schools, and families:
Profiles are private by default.
You use Google or Microsoft login for an additional layer of security.
We use your Google or Microsoft name, then default to First name Last initial.
Families can connect to their child and own their student’s portfolio.
Students, Families, and Teachers own their learning.
With so much personal and school information being collected and shared on platforms like Facebook, it can be difficult to know who has access to your data and how it's being used. Because you pay to become a member of Fanschool we don’t sell your data for advertising like other web 2.0 social platforms.
That means: No selling data here!
No third-party marketing
No targeted advertisements
No third-party tracking
No tracking across apps
No profiling for commercial purposes