We’ve long written about how the 7 C’s are the pillars of the future of education – Critical Thinking, Creativity, Character, Cultural Fluency, Collaboration, Civic Engagement, and Communication. An 8th C, Confidence, is a crucial ingredient for developing future leaders…and legends. Kudos to Legends for tackling a massive problem and building a Mission Company along the way.
These are the critical, foundational skills that people need to be educated and build their lifelong learning knowledge base from.
We’re talking about practice!
Practice matters in reading, writing, and math. Practice and feedback!
generation and repetition — they have to generate the answers themselves and it has to be repetitive.
Automaticity builds confidence. The bridge between general understanding and application is Automaticity.
You also need people advocating for you to become good at reading, writing, and math.
This is a grassroots movements of parents, teachers, and technologists.
Be an active consumer of research. IES for research—>practice guides—>free PDFs