Portfolios that work.
Digital portfolios comprise artwork, writing, photographs, science experiments, essays, hopes, and dreams from 35 weeks together, for 12 years together. Students and families deserve to see the fruits of 12,000 hours of teaching and learning.
A personal learning portfolio is an essential tool that enables students to take ownership of their learning, actively engage in the process, and ultimately chart their own path towards success.
Read more about “The Scrapbook Problem” at schools without digital portfolios.
Activate learner profiles that work.
The Old Systems are Broken
No matter where you are in your education career, you’ve experienced a failed portfolio “solution” attempted by your school district.
Since 1990, software vendors have been ruining, in one way or another, the concept of digital portfolios for teachers and students alike.
A brief history of the Digital Portfolio:
1990: Floppy disk
1995: CD-ROM
2000: State Department of Education website
2005: Class Blogmeister
2010: Google Sites
2015: Schoology
2020: Seesaw
School administrators have been sold network "drives" that store everything a student has done, that no one has ever seen. They've been pitched website creation tools that help students start a website that's never finished, at a dead URL. They've rolled out platforms to provide "transparency" by locking it all down behind a login screen. They’ve tried to document a decade-long journey by starting over every year.
We can do better.
A Portfolio for Every Learner
At Fanschool, as students publish articles, photographs, and digital projects in the profile & spaces, their publishing history starts to build up. Pretty soon, the author (student) and the teacher are both astounded at how much content and conversation are created every day, week, month, year.
The act of documenting the journey provides an automatic destination, whenever or wherever that occurs. Teachers, parents, and peers act as supportive team members, providing guidance, encouragement, and assistance when necessary, but ultimately allowing the student to lead the way.
Flexibility in a Tumultuous Time
Whether you're in a public school, private school, microschool, remote school, hybrid school, or homeschool, students should be able to take their learning with them, publish projects in a consistent space, and publicize what they're proud of.
The only tool that provides these capabilities is a digital portfolio.
Students become owners of this process, and the only one who, in an age of school accountability, will be accountable in the end for who they've become, with the help—or hindrance—of school.
Write it down. Share it out. Put a little dent in the universe.
A portfolio starts with once simple act: publishing. Don't fear the blank page. It doesn't have to be big. Instead of a novel, try publishing just one sentence.
Own your learning.
Activate digital portfolios that work.
“Fanschool offers functionalities which perfectly match the goals of online student portfolios.”
- Getting Smart blog
Twin Cities PBS: How middle school teacher & Kidblog founder, Matt Hardy, started digital student publishing through safe, teacher-moderated spaces. See what students are publishing today at https://fan.school/explore