Fanschool Profiles become IB Portfolios

Every school has a responsibility to show evidence of students’ learning. When you’re ready to move from paper scrapbooks to digital portfolios, Fanschool profiles fit the International Baccalaureate eportfolio requirement, especially as it aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people. Fanschool portfolios encourage action-oriented learning and create ownership for young people and their families.

See how 7-17 year olds use Fanschool to share project based work, research personal project interests, and document service-based community work at

Your school can use tags to help students curate Concepts, Skills, Knowledge, Attitudes and Action through the PYP. And teachers can give feedback on personal projects that share skills for self-management, research, critical and creative thinking, as well as collaboration in reflections throughout the MYP.

Fanschool profiles are created from articles that

  • enable voice and choice.

  • celebrate the learning journey.

  • give students and families ownership of their learning.

  • give students and teachers space to reflect on their learning.

  • provide a place for children to monitor and record their progress.

  • show the progressive development of their skills and Learner Profile.

  • showcase evidence of their learning and conceptual understanding over time.

  • share student work with their learning community—teachers, specialists, family, and peers.

  • become a wonderful collection of memories that becomes more meaningful than a transcript or yearbook.

Publishing features in Fanschool articles

Add any media to Fanschool articles—images, video, voice—And easily embed documents from Drive. Add tags, select a custom preview image, or submit for review before Publishing to an authentic audience of your choice.

Collect and showcase student portfolios as you go.