Turn your

Learning Management System

into a

Learning Ownership System

Backed by the science of ownership, Fanschool takes the best of your learning management system and closes the gaps.


You can’t manage what you can’t see. Get a real-time view of what students and teachers are producing in the classroom day-in, day-out.


Students and Teachers work hard. Celebrate and elevate your school’s efforts by showcasing real work that students are proud of.


Parent communication is not optional, and weekly scores are not enough. Build trust and rapport with parents by inviting them to participate in their child’s progress.

The common education practice is private work done for a grade—assigning and submitting. The Next Generation Education Practice is public work: delivering value to a community.

In order for students’ work to have purpose, it has to be shared.

Schedule A Meeting With Us.

Fanschool isn’t “one more thing,” it’s the one thing that’s been missing.